
Conversion Optimisation 101: The Basics Every Website Owner Should Know

Your website is a vehicle for lead generation. What is a website conversion and how can they be maximised? To boost website conversions, the right strategy is crucial.

According to Gartner Research, 48% of visitors leave the primary landing page without engaging deeper with any marketing collateral.

Website conversions generate leads for your business. When someone lands on your website, likes what they see, they then enquire or make a purchase from you.

The rate at which these conversions happen on your site can then be optimised. How does this work? How can you implement them for your company? Read on for conversion tips for your life science company.

The importance of a website audit

Before adding new content to your website, ensure your website performance is maximised.

How many of your actual visitors are enquiring about your products / services? What does the current customer journey look like?

Remove broken links and irrelevant or incorrect content. Check how your current website text stands up against your value proposition. Are you answering all of your visitors existing frustrations? Are you offering them a clear solution to their current problems?

Can you identify your average conversion rate? See if you can pair any of your website analytics with figures from your sales team. You should ensure your site is mobile responsive and the experience on your site is the same for all of your visitors. The small details can make a huge difference, for instance, font size. Did you know there are mobile-friendly font sizes?

A/B testing is now one way to maximise the engagement of visitors once they land on your site. Software can direct 50% of the incoming traffic to view particular content and the other 50% elsewhere and then provide you with feedback on the resulting engagement.

Bonus tip: There are many plugins you can use to add an on-site survey to pinpoint visitor frustrations

Create a content-first marketing strategy

Visitors are more likely to purchase if they see value in your brand rather than just seeing you out to get someone’s money!

An easy way to implement this strategy is to start by creating a blog post for each major section of your business.

You could take this a step further and offer premium content that is only accessible when someone has provided their email address.

You can optimise your sales copy to ensure that it provides this value to your customers and helps to drive more visitors to your website.

Map out an existing site map

From the home page to an eventual purchase, map out the customer journey. What are the critical pages to your conversion funnel? What pain points do your visitors face?

A site map combined with a content-first marketing strategy will help you to maximise existing traffic and increase your conversion rate.

In the background, work to increase the amount of website traffic you receive. More traffic is likely to lead to more interest in your products.

Map out upcoming content

What do you plan to add to your website? Have you got events or promotions scheduled?

New content should be geared towards offering value to your visitors. This could be with:

  • Quick tips
  • Videos
  • Customer testimonials (your social proof)
  • Application or technical notes

Offer more detailed information such as the product specification specifics with links to product pages. If a website visitor is interested in your products, they’ll click on the links to learn more.

Having a foolproof plan can help you to prioritise new content for your site. You can also schedule this content at precise intervals to receive feedback from your customers and implement it for future content.

Every new item of content should be working to improve your website’s conversion rate, ultimately leading to more customers.

Make purchasing decisions as easy as possible

Landing pages can help you generate more leads. Landing pages can help to ensure that the visitor is presented with a simple web page that provides purely relevant and consumable content.

On a landing page, make sure that you have a clear call to action. The best landing pages should funnel visitors to other relevant content.

Landing pages should be far more simple than you initially think. Don’t add too many links to the page and be sure that all information is aimed to avoid all the possible hesitations a visitor may have before making a purchase.

Potential customers want simplicity. Offers or new website features should capture visitors’ attention rather than distract them from your site content. Use the right tools to position the right content in front of your visitors – but don’t overdo it.

Here are just a few ideas about how you could do this:

  • Opt in forms: Sign up to a newsletter or email marketing list
  • Offer free shipping
  • Social proof – who has already bought your technology?
  • Money-back guarantees
  • Case studies
  • Featured research

Using targeted pop-ups to maximise conversion rate

To maximise conversion rates, you can try adding a pop up. This could be a pop-up to book a quick meeting with you or with a link to a product page.

Pop up tools can provide a targeted way to guide visitors towards the contact page. You can set a particular message to appear after a visitor has spent a certain amount of time on the landing page, or if they visit a certain page to begin with.

You can also set the pop up to appear when a visitor lands on your site initially.

Pop ups should be simple with a clear call to action that converts visitors into leads. If you have the pop-up appearing after a certain amount of time, test the pop up out to make sure a visitor can exit out of it easily!

Test your website out on different devices

 If you’re adding new features or functionality to your website, be sure of a smooth experience for your potential customers. 58% of all website traffic now happens via mobile devices, this means that for more conversions, you need to optimise for all devices.

For instance, if you’re using pop-ups, be sure that they are helpful and not intrusive, irrespective of the device people are visiting on.

Mobile users may also find that your website is slower to load so you need to be sure it isn’t too slow! Image sizes, software and animations can all impact how your site loads.


Analyse your site data

To continue improving your website conversion rates analyse the data from your site.

How many people are buying from you? How many people are visiting your website? What do your conversion metrics look like before and after your optimisation? How long does each visitor stay?

Which content is particularly resonating with your target audience? See if you can incorporate more of this into your marketing campaigns.

Google Analytics is a must-have to see where people are ending up on your website. See which pages they are looking at and how long for. You can also set conversion goals for your website that are specific to your product or landing page.

Bonus tip: Heat maps on your site can help you see where visitors are clicking. You can see if the content is working to improve conversions. There are lots of chart formats you might also want to add such as to your site to see where visitors are clicking. These often come with scroll maps.

Optimising your website conversion rate relies on a combination of the right content and the right tools to guide your website visitors to a conversion, whether that’s a purchase or an enquiry.


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