
How can you establish scientific credibility on your website?

Your website is a vehicle to establish scientific credibility of your business.

 In a world of fake news, scientific credibility has never been more crucial for evidence based practioners. I can help you grow your business online through a new or refreshed website.

There are so many business with science at their core – are you one of them? You could be anything from a Nutritionist showcasing the scientific validity of the dietary plans you offer to an Electrician wanting to showcase your safety credentials online. 

However whether you have science at the heart of your business or not, your website is still the tool that enables you to establish your business’ trust.

Add the necessary website functionality to showcase your business

There are a variety of features you can add to your website that do a great job of showing how reliable your business is, without simply listing your business services. One popular feature is adding a testimonial page – displaying comments from current and previous customers / clients.

For some business, this might not be immediately practical. If this is the case, you might like to consider a portfolio page. This could showcase demonstrations of either your skills or your product offering in action.


Understanding the business landscape for your business is crucial to generating the right copy for your website.

Be sure to look at competitor websites. Investigate these websites and see where you can differentiate your own business.  This may help you see where you can improve on what has been done before but also find content ideas for a blog or other areas of your website.

My science background is crucial for my clients as I’m able to understand the scientific process behind the research and what is a good measure of reliability and confidence. This helps to do two things – gain an accurate understanding of your competition and the ability to know what content will resonate best with the audience you’re targeting. Ultimately, this means that the facts can be communicated to your audience in the most effective way possible. 

For example, see if you can find a research paper or two that helps to reinforce your business’ worth and credibility. The research could form the basis of a blog article. You could add a link to this research on a services page. It’s a great idea to keep your website visitors moving around your site and learning more about what you offer.


Once your website accurately reflects your business goals, the next step is to ensure your website traffic is maximised and that people are seeing the website you’ve ploughed your resources into!

Driving organic traffic with search engine optimisation (SEO)

The first step is to identify the keywords necessary that should be added to your own website. These will be those that are achievable and reflect what your ideal clients will be searching for on Google. Driving your website visibility on the Google rankings will help to drive trust in your business. This is because where you feature on Google can help you to differentiate and overtake competitors in search results. I have an offer ongoing where you can get an SEO report and a strategy call for your business for just £99.

Driving traffic with social media

Organic social media is a vital tool to drive traffic to specific pages of your site. Google Analytics can help to monitor the effectiveness of social media – which platforms are driving the most engagement? Which are driving the most website visits?

You are able to track the number of people who have clicked onto your website from social media. You can see the platforms that are most successful for your business. This can also help to identify the content that resonates most with your audience. Maximising your results from SEO also relies on having a good social media presence. Promoted social media content may help you to grow your online social media following faster.

If you’re an evidence based practioner and are looking to showcase your credibility online, get in touch. 

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